Fees |
Amount (USD) |
Amount (PHP) |
Remarks |
Application Fee |
US$100 |
₱5,000 |
To be paid upon application |
Accreditation Fee |
US$600 |
₱30,000 |
To be paid before the evaluation |
Annual Fee Option 1: Lump sum (4 yrs) Option 2: Yearly Payment |
US$300/year US$350/year |
₱15,000/year ₱17,500/year |
To be paid yearly after accreditation |
Note: Travel-related expenses, accommodation, and meals of accreditation team with three members shall be borne by the applicant institution, as applicable. |
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- National Coordinators for Accreditation
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- _Accreditation Manual
- _Self Study Form
- _Application Form for Institutions
- _APACC Brochure
- Accreditation Flowchart
- APACC Fees