The APACC Accreditation team consisting of lead accreditor Prof. Romulita C. Alto, Ed.D., member accreditor Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen, and documentation officer Mr. Paulo Anthony Mendoza, poses for a photo with the Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati team led by its Technical Director Fr. Jose Dindo Vitug, SDB.
The Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati became the first technical institute under the Don Bosco - One TVET Philippines, Inc. system to undergo an onsite APACC accreditation conducted from September 19 to 21, 2022.
The accreditation commenced with an opening program attended by the Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati’s team and the APACC accreditation team consisting of lead accreditor from the Philippines, Prof. Romulita C. Alto Ed.D., member accreditor and CPSC Governing Board-Engaged Faculty Consultant from Malaysia, Dr. Kesavan Ulaganathen, and documentation officer and CPSC Projects and Consultancy Division (PCD) Assistant, Mr. Paulo Anthony Mendoza. The delegation was welcomed by Fr. Jose Dindo Vitug, SDB, the Technical Director of the TVET Department of the institution. He expressed his motivation that through APACC accreditation, the institute will be able to effectively build a culture of excellence and that it will be able to deliver more quality TVET programs in the service of the Filipino youths. The welcome remarks were then followed by the special messages of the APACC accreditors.

Following the opening program, a brief tour of the facilities ensued. The accreditation team visited the TVET facilities of the institute including its automotive, fitter machinist, electromechanical, and airconditioning and refrigeration workshops and classrooms. Other school facilities such as the school library, clinic, and guidance counselors’ offices were also visited. The accreditors were also able to interview some of the institute’s students and staff and were able to observe ongoing lectures and workshops as well.
The three-day onsite visit was dedicated to evaluate the institution on the seven APACC criteria on Governance and Management, Teaching and Learning, Human Resources, Research and Development, Image and Sustainability, Other Resources, and Support to Students.
The APACC accreditors presenting the initial commendations, affirmations, and recommendations to the members of the Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati’s TVET Department during the exit meeting on September 21, 2022.
The exit meeting was attended by the institute’s team and the APACC accreditation team. The latter expressed their deep appreciation to the institute’s staff for their hospitality and cooperation throughout the three-day accreditation activity. Prof. Romulita C. Alto emphasized in her remarks the importance of embracing positive changes that will allow the improvement of the operations of the institute. Following this, she in turn presented the initial commendations, affirmations, and recommendations of the evaluation activity. In his closing remarks, Fr. Jose Dindo Vitug likewise extended his acknowledgement to the entire Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati’s TVET Department following the successful completion of their first APACC accreditation. He also expressed his hopes that the Don Bosco Technical Institute of Makati will become the model institution to motivate the other technical institutions under the Don Bosco - One TVET Philippines, Inc. to apply for APACC accreditation in the near future.