The Centre for Instructors and Advanced Skills Training (CIAST), located in Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia, subjected itself to the Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC) institutional evaluation via zoom on May 30 – June 3, 2022. It is the very first institution under the Ministry of Human Resources to undergo an APACC evaluation while there are several institutions which have been accredited by APACC under the purview of Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Rural Development.
CIAST was established primarily as a training center for instructors. The center offers pre-service and in-service courses in areas including automotive, electronics, computer, mechatronic, welding, and production. It started operating on August 30, 1985 through the ASEAN Human Resource Development Project of the government of Japan.
A three-person team led by Dr. Paiboon Saiyawongs, consultant of the Office of the Vocational Education Commission (OVEC), Ministry of Education, Thailand, evaluated CIAST. The other team members were Dr. Demetrio Anduyan, Jr., Director IV, Commission on Higher Education - Cordillera Administrative Region, Philippines and Mrs. Adrienne Abril – Nonan, APACC Officer.
The opening program on May 30 was attended by officials from Skills Development Department, Ministry of Human Resources namely Ts. Dr. Mohamad Sulaiman, Deputy Director General and Madam Molinda Abd Rahman, Director of Planning, Development, and Research Division. In his special remarks, the Deputy Director General expressed his appreciation to CIAST and the APACC team for pursuing the evaluation activities despite the challenges of COVID-19 pandemic. The accreditors were given an opportunity to deliver their special remarks as well.
The last agenda item of the opening program is the CIAST introduction by the Director Madam Zuleah Darsong where she mentioned the center’s strategic directions, team members, facilities, core business, and achievements.
The online tour of facilities happened on May 30 and 31 with the following facilities toured: classroom, computer laboratory, multimedia center, welding unit, library, auditorium, career guidance and counseling room, dormitory, student council room, cafeteria, sick bay, and activities hall.

Confirmation of self-study scores were done systematically whereby the criteria working group representatives discuss the level of compliance with the APACC sub-indicators first followed by the verification of accreditors through interviews of relevant personnel and students.
The evaluation process ended by the reporting of the initial qualitative results (commendations, affirmations, and recommendations) by the lead accreditor, Dr. Paiboon Saiyawongs on June 3.