The Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC), in its efforts towards ensuring quality of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) institutions in the region, conducted a series of on-site visits in Delhi, India from October 30 to November 7, 2017. The visits were the second to fourth accreditation exercises in India, which started in January 2017 with Nachimuthu Polytechnic College, Pollachi, Tamil Nadu.
The APACC team, composed of Dr. Paiboon Saiyawongs, APACC Special Officer in Thailand and Team Leader, Prof. Dr. Dhinamani Brahadeeswaran, APACC Special Officer in India and Team Member, and Ms. Adrienne Abril, Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) Projects and Consultancy Division Officer, visited Jija Bai Industrial Training Institute for Women on October 30 – 31, 2017, followed by Ambedkar Institute of Technology on November 2 – 3, 2017, and lastly Bhai Parmanand Institute of Business Studies on November 6 – 7, 2017.

Ms. Adrienne Abril during the reception ceremony at Ambedkar
Institute of TechnologyThe visits validated the Self Study Reports of all three institutions through interviews, observations, tour of facilities and document inspections. Various facets of the institutions related to the following criteria were inspected: (1) Governance and Management, (2) Teaching and Learning, (3) Human Resources, (4) Research and Development, (5) Image and Sustainability, (6) Other Resources, and (7) Support to Students.
The first institution visited, Jija Bai Industrial Training Institute for Women, is a public industrial training institute established in 1969. The institute is one of the premier Women Vocational Training Institutes in Northern India and established under the aegis of National Council on Vocational Training (NCVT) under Directorate General of Employment & Training (DGE&T), Ministry of Labour, Government of India, and State Council of Vocational Training (SCVT) under government of Delhi. It is currently headed by the Principal Sh. Vijay Kumar.

in green, is Mrs. Namita Gautam, Chairman of Jija Bai
ITI’s Institutional Management Committee, connected
with Sheela Group as the Director. Sheela Group is an
industry which manufactures mattresses and foams

Basic Cosmetology Department with the Principal Sh.
Vijay Kumar (center) supplying answers to inquiries
Ambedkar Institute of Technology (AIT), a public polytechnic college, was established in 1986 by the Department of Training & Technical Education (D.T.T.E.), Government of National Capital Territory of New Delhi. The institution was awarded two times, in 2007 and 2016, as Best Institute in Northern Region by the National Institute of Technical Teachers’ Training and Research (NITTTR) Chandigarh. Its Principal, Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Dev, who is also the Principal/Director of Bhai Parmanand Institute of Business Studies, is a multi-awarded leader and academician, having been given the National Level All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) Young Teacher Career Award for undertaking advanced research in Speech Recognition, State Level Best Teacher Award from Government of NCT of Delhi, and National Level Best Engineering Teacher Award from Indian Society for Technical Education.

Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Dev (leftmost)

The last to be visited was Bhai Parmanand Institute of Business Studies (BPIBS), a public technical college established in 1986 under the Government of NCT of Delhi. It was formerly known as “Institute of Commercial Practice” in 1972, which mainly conducted vocational courses in the area of office management and secretarial practice. At present, apart from Diploma and Bachelor Courses related to TVET, the institution also offers Master Programs in Computer Application and Business Administration. BPIBS has been selected as one of the top 10 institutes among 4800 institutes in India for Vittiya Saksharata Abhiyan (Financial Literacy Campaign) at national level based on the work done in spreading awareness about Digital Financial Literacy and bringing people on digital platform. It garnered the Best Academic Infrastructure 2017 at Students’ Choice Awards 2017.

Assistant Professor (Computer Application) Mr. Pravir
Chitre (2nd from right) ushering the team

Dr. (Mrs.) Amita Dev (2nd from right)
Results of on-site visits conducted will be transmitted to institutions after thorough deliberation by the APACC Board.