As one of the active and prominent organizations in TVET in the Asia Pacific region, the Colombo Plan Staff College (CPSC) participated in the 4th National Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Congress through the attendance of its Acting DG, Prof. Dr. G. Kulanthaivel, upon the invitation of the Technical Vocational Schools and Associations of the Philippines Inc. (TEVSAPHIL). He presented the topic "Transitioning Millennium Development Goals to Sustainable Development Goals in Tech Voc Education in the Philippines".
The event spearheaded by the (TEVSAPHIL) in partnership with the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA), Philippines was held on November 12, 2015 at the SMX Convention Center, SM Aura, Taguig, Philippines. The congress, organized to ensure deeper understanding of certain national and global affairs that affects the TVET industry in the Philippines such as the K-12 education system and ASEAN integration, was attended by representatives of TVET institutions both public and private, Philippine government officials, international organizations, and industries.
CPSC Team at the Congress (L-R) Mr. Bryan Noel Lazaro, Projects and Consultancy Assistant; Mr. Rae Emmanuel Echaveria, Research Assistant; Ms. Adrienne Abril, Executive Secretary; and Prof. Dr. G. Kulanthaivel, Acting Director General
Prof. Dr. G. Kulanthaivel likewise shared the international accreditation mechanisms of the Asia Pacific Accreditation and Certification Commission (APACC) – the process of accreditation, point system, evaluation and award system, and organizational structure. He highlighted how APACC ensures quality improvement through monitoring actions taken by accredited institutions on recommendations given by on-site visit team. Some benefits derived from being APACC accredited are promotion of institutions through various media and opportunity to be part of the Association of APACC Accreditees (AAA) which will promote faculty and student exchanges and other collaborative activities.
Prof. Dr. G. Kulanthaivel (center) with TEVSAPHIL Treasurer and Director Ms. May Magno (left) and President Col. Alejandro Escaño (right)
The Honorable Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago, Senator of the Republic of the Philippines provided the Keynote Address as Guest of Honor and Speaker. In her speech, she emphasized the importance of discussing issues such as biodiversity, climate change, disaster risk reduction, and 21st century green economy with green jobs.
Honorable Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago during her speech
Notable speakers graced the congress in order to shed light to the issues at hand. TESDA Director General Honorable Irene Isaac, discussed the Role of TESDA in K-12 implementation and mandate in the development and sustainability of the TVET industry while TESDA Deputy Director General for TESD Operations and Member of CPSC Governing Board, Atty. Teodoro Pascua delivered a speech regarding maintaining the relevance of TESDA in the K-12 implementation environment.
Prof. Dr. G. Kulanthaivel with speakers and guests
Other distinguished speakers included Honorable Sonny Angara, Senator of the Republic of the Philippines (Enhancing Effectiveness and Sustainability of Tech Voc Education, Private and Public), Ms. Yvonne Flores, Program Manager of Intel Philippines (Digital Literacy Enhancing Tech Voc Education), and Honorable Commissioner Anthony Weymouth, Senior Commissioner, AUSTRADE, Australian Embassy (Transnational Education in Tech Voc Education in the Asia Pacific Region). Philippine Congressmen, Mayors, representatives of private associations and educational institutions, and officials of TEVSAPHIL likewise contributed as session speakers.
TEVSAPHIL, currently headed by President Col. Alejandro Escaño, is an association of schools and organizations established to represent the private TVET institutions in coordinating and cooperating with the government and non-government agencies in order to better serve the needs of stakeholders. TEVSAPHIL was accepted as CPSC's honorary member institution in June 2015 and has been coordinating with CPSC since then.
A space for booth, dedicated for CPSC and APACC, was provided by TEVSAPHIL, to showcase its publications and services. Support Staff composed of Executive Secretary Ms. Adrienne Abril, Projects and Consultancy Assistant Mr. Bryan Noel Lazaro, and Research Assistant Mr. Rae Emmanuel Echaveria manned the said booth to address inquiries of interested participants.