Construction Technology Training Institute (CTTI) in Islamabad was visited by the APACC Panel of Accreditors on 11 March 2009. CTTI is located in a 53.36 acres of land with approximately 20 acres built-up area with buildings, equipment and machineries funded by the Japanese Government as a friendship project with the Government of Pakistan. CTTI offers Diploma (DAE) courses in Mechanical, Civil and Auto Diesel and several skills development short courses for operators, mechanics, machinist and steel fixer s, among others. Foreign Courses, NAVTEC, FATA, CPTR and other special courses are also being undertaken at the campus.
Engr. Col. Waqar Ahmed Noor, CTTI Director and his team of officers headed by Mr. Aurangzeb, chief of instructions welcomed the APACC accreditors, toured them to the site and facilitated the on-site visit and accreditation processes. Shown in the photo are the CTTI officials with the APACC panel of accreditors, team leader, Prof. TJ Tesoro Gayondato (CPSC-APACC), and team members, Dr. Tariq Mahmood (MOE) and Dr. Hazrat Hussain (NAVTEC).