In March 2007, CPSC Director General & CEO and APACC President, Dr. Man-Gon Park received Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (MoLSA) Honorable Mohammad Ghaus Bashiri in a courtesy visit paid by the Afghan Dep. Minister to Dr. Park, at CPSC, Manila.
In an opportune time to report CPSC's various activities for human resources development (HRD), Dr. Park discussed CPSC's services related to technology transfer, labor market information system, higher education services, and accreditation and certification services which have been the thrust areas of recent CPSC programs.
Along with this visit, proposal for possibility of discussing and signing a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between APACC and MoLSA was also discussed. On May 2007 the two organizations signed the MOA, represented by Dr. Man-Gon Park and Mr. Ghaus Bashiri, respectively.
APACC and MoLSA agreed to promote the objectives and goals of APACC as a mechanism to encourage TVET systems for HRD to undergo a self-study evaluation under APACC procedures and standards; to identify opportunities for prescriptive directions towards encouraging TVET systems for HRD in Afghanistan to undertake accreditation and certification by APACC; to identify TVET systems for HRD under the purview of MoLSA to apply for accreditation and certification by APACC; and to tap qualified local accreditors who may be trained on APACC accreditation procedures as would-be accreditors for schedule accreditation activities in Afghanistan.
Witnesses to the MOA signing were Prof. Dr. Suresh Kumar Dhameja, CPSC Faculty Member and Mr. Fazel Ahmad Bahrami, Coordinator. Labour Management Programme (LMP), MoLSA, Afghanistan.